Informations about services at RZhsb

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Changing of Password

Please notice our guidance for a secure password here

Absence Autoreply, Redirecting Functions

If you do not have access to your e-mails for a longer period of time, for example while you are on holiday, you can set up an automatic out-of-office notification.
You can forward messages to your HSB address temporarily or permanently to a private email address.

Information about your Account

Some RZhsb user accounts are limited. You will find the information about your acocunt at this interface.
Further information is provided for students.

for students only

Activation of Student User Account

Activation of Student User Account

Information about initial activation of user account you will find here
Please notice our guidance for a secure password here

Membership of stud-Mailinglist

This interface provides unsubscribing from or subscribing to the mailinglist

If there are any questions, please contact


The MMCC is responsible for Aulis. Questions about Aulis could be send to
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