E-mail and Webmail

Your e-mail account (username@stud.hs-bremen.de) at Hochschule Bremen is the central means of communication for the university management, the administration and the committees and student representatives. Therefore, check your e-mails regularly in order not to miss any important deadlines and to always be informed about what is going on at HSB.

You can access your HSB emails via a web browser at webmail.hs-bremen.de or set up an IMAP or POP account in your email client on your device.

Login: username (without @hs-bremen.de)

Settings for the incoming mail server

POP3 with SSL
Server: mail.hs-bremen.de
Port: 995

Server: mail.hs-bremen.de
Port: 143

Server: mail.hs-bremen.de
Port: 993

Settings for the outgoing mail server

SMTP with STARTTLS and authentication
Server: mail.hs-bremen.de
Port: 587

Further settings for POP3

Sending e-mails to external providers via SMTP

Port 587 must be used for sending e-mails to external providers. Ports 25 and 465 are blocked for outgoing e-mails for security reasons.

Absence notification and forwarding

If you do not have access to your e-mails for a longer period of time, for example while you are on holiday, you can set up an automatic out-of-office notification. You can forward messages to your HSB address temporarily or permanently to a private email address. Absence notification and forwarding

Instructions (only German)

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